Monday, August 24, 2009

an epic moment...

For some reason, I have always been obsessed with experiencing one of the weirdest things. My brain is like a photo album. Throughout every day, I see random snapshots of various moments of my life. I'll see my brothers wedding, a friends wedding, a hilarious moment from years ago, a recital, my graduation from college... Random. I don't control them, it just happens. Sometimes I search for a memory... I know it's in there somewhere, and it actually feels like and I can see, in my mind, myself struggling to turn the pages of this photo album to get to the memory that I intend to find.
One of these memories that comes back to me is, get ready to laugh, the beginning of the Disneyland ride, Pirates of the Caribbean. I KNOW. I told you it was weird. But at the beginning of this ride, you are taken in your watery boat through the backyards of Louisiana, from years ago. You see old grungy men sitting outside their shacks, with lanterns for their light, sometimes fishing, sometimes talking, enjoying the crickets and moonlight. For some reason, I love this.
For some reason, anytime I've seen a movie that has a scene like this, whether it be in Louisiana, circa 1889 or a more modern take like from the movie How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, when they are sitting in the back yard, laughing and talking, playing a card game, I am envious. I want this. I can't remember the last time I had something like this.
Then yesterday, I had an epic night. One that will, undoubtedly, be etched into my minds eye for years to come. One that, I am sure, has already ended up on a blank page of that never ending photo album. One that I will reach for in the future to brighten dark days and make me laugh on others.
Yesterday my friend's mom threw a birthday party for him. Though I've never met his parents, my roommate extended the invitation to me, and I to another friend who had met this one friend briefly. It was out in Oakville, so my 'plus one' came to pick me up and we headed out. The house itself was gorgeous. On a huge lot. Just stunning. Decorated in off whites, light greys and beige, candles and beautiful art work, the house had the touch of class that I hope to have in my life one day. When I own a place, I want it to look and feel like that house did. Extremely classy, yet warm and inviting at the same time.
We went, myself only knowing my roommate, my invited friend, and the birthday boy. Another dear friend showed up later, but we were basically among strangers. They invited us in with hugs and laughter and my friend and I settled in for a beautiful evening.
After giving my friend his birthday present (a childs 'yay you're 2!' card that i changed to read '21' and a gift certificate... listen, I had NO idea what to get him...), we settled in and met the people around us. Some beautiful older (I dislike that word, these people were younger at heart that I am, though in older bodies) people, who encouraged us to sing and applauded when we mockingly joined in to the beautiful c.d's playing. The soundtrack to the night was taken care of by our stunning host, and really was perfect. I think that this is what made the night so epic for me.
After a brilliant supper of home made goodness, most of the younger people left, leaving just a few of us with the older crowd. I loved it. I could listen to them talk for hours. I had a wonderful conversation about opera with our male host. As we sat around the fire on the patio, candles burning all around us, inside and outside of the house, with the soothing sounds of Josh Groban, Diana Krall, Norah Jones, Frank Sinatra, and many others cooing to us, laughter popping up in the pocket conversations all around us... I couldn't help but feel extremely blessed. Looking up at the sky to see the stars that I so often miss in Toronto, I couldn't help but feeling extremely content and happy.
These people, this family, embraced us. Hugged us and brought us in. It was one of the warmest and happiest times, tinged with little moments of sadness for a boy who will be leaving for Montreal soon that I will likely (though regrettably... and I will fight to not let this happen) lose touch with, it was a perfect evening on a perfect summers night in August.
I had my epic night. I enjoyed the brilliance and the beauty of the people all around me, lapping up their warmth and feeling recharged by the simplicity of it all.
And though I had some weird mixed emotions rolling through me, throughout the night, it really was a night to remember. One that I will not soon forget. One that will stay with me always, that I will look to often.
For those involved... thank you.
Blessings and love

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