Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It is amazing what words can do to a person. They can lift them up, they can make a day. Or they can destroy a friendship, they can ruin and end a life.
Harsh words, verbal abuse, can lead to suicide, to masked gun men massacring countless people that they don't know... can lead to eating disorders, cutting problems, low self esteem, further disruptive relationships, physical abuse... can leave a wonderful, brilliant, caring, beautiful, Godly person in a crying, trembling heap on the floor, crying out to God for healing yet continually being bombarded with words of hate ringing in their ears... leaving other people to sit back and think how in the world can we help?
I beg of you. All of you. If you are in a verbally abusive relationship, GET OUT. Or at the very least, confront the person. Communication is key... please... communication is everything. I was chatting with a friend tonight and he said that he had heard that communication is 80% physical. Can we please change that number?
I think that it is SO important to talk to people when they have hurt you, when you have cooled down enough to talk to them in a calm manner. It is very important.
Now, I'm one to talk... I'm extremely upset at someone right now, have been for weeks, but can I talk to them? Can I confront them about this? No. Though I find that my feelings are somewhat unfair, I have been upset by their actions, or lack there of, but cannot find the courage to say anything. So, instead, I walk around tense... knowing at some point I am going to explode, whether it is on that person or not. Tell me, what is the healthiest thing to do here? TALK TO THEM?! Right. Right, I should do that. If not for their sanity, but for mine.
We need to start taking care of ourselves mentally. That includes standing up for ourselves, (though I always maintain that for as long as possible, this should be done in a respectful way), not putting up with relationships that are abusive in any way, we should find the time to be with people who are up lifting to us, and steer clear of people who constantly bring us down.
Please... take care of yourselves... or someday you could end up in a terrible situation and have no idea how you have gotten there... and completely lose hope... please, don't lose hope... please... take care of yourselves...
Blessings and love

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