Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh What A Night...

I cannot get that song out of my head. O What A Night by the Four Seasons... it's just so flipping catchy! (it's what they end with on this... the guy that is my current 'celeb crush' is the second guy to start singing)
I'm not going to lie, I kind of want to see that musical again... soon... now :o)
I had my first class with Opera Atelier today. It went well. We do an hour of ballet (i'm in the beginner class though I've had prior training... I haven't done it in a few years, so it's really good to go over the basics again... and really painful! haha) and then 3 hours of singing/stage movement. Today was good. I was nervous walking there. More nervous, in some ways, than moving to Rome last summer to study. I don't know why... Of course I'm the biggest person in my class... but it's good and i'm feeling comfortable enough with myself to work hard and to just do this. To really try hard and give it my all. I think that's what I'm doing and it feels good. Though who knows how I will feel tomorrow morning... haha... and as the classes get harder... and we start turning... (my spotting SUCKS and I always get very dizzy and kind of sick)... here's hoping and praying that it turns out ok.
Today was good though. That's all I know. In the singing part I had to sing the first solo... it was ok. I could have done better. I wish I had done better. But I guess you can't change it so, it is what it is. I've never sang soprano (and only soprano... i've done alto, tenor and soprano, but never JUST soprano) in a chorus setting and it's interesting to wrap my ear around it... to listening for the melody instead of the harmony which is what I'm used to. But it's good. and I'm enjoying it. My teacher complimented me on the length in the back of my neck, my head position and how it was relaxed. It was nice :o) I thought I would be emberassed when we got called on by name to change certain things in both the singing and the ballet but suprisingly enough I was fine. Maybe I AM growing up. Haha... maybe not...
ok... I need to do laundry, eat supper, do some yoga and maybe read... and get to bed
blessings and love

1 comment:

  1. Yay for your blog! Check mine out too.
    I love you!
    Thanks for the letter. One is coming your way soon.
