Saturday, July 18, 2009

Growing up while embraing childhood...

I know I just blogged but...
Sometimes thoughts and feelings flutter around inside of me and I feel as if I will explode if they do not get out onto paper or a page somewhere...
I've been taking a lot of notice about the things around me as of late. Opening my eyes up to life and the way that I live... but also the lives of the other people around me.
Call me crazy, but in many ways, MJ's passing has opened my eyes up to two things: 1) I need to grow up. Pay attention to my finances. Not be late to meetings. Tiddy up my room more often (speaking of which...) and 2) I need to embrace the child that is still inside of me.
I feel sometimes like I am stuck in the middle. I have always been mature for my age, I can't help it. But I don't have a lot of fun. A lot of this stems from my muscle disorder and the pain that I am in 24/7, but I can move past it, I can embrace fun outside of the fibro. It IS possible. That being said... I desperately want to have a water fight... haha!
Since coming back from my trip, I have made more of an effort at work. As a result, I have felt so much better about myself, about the blessings that God has given me. I sometimes get anxiety about serving people, about talking to people. None of that plagued me even a little bit this week. It was a great week. It was a slow week... but we worked hard and in the long run, I felt good about it.
This is a poor segue into something else that I have noticed lately... NO ONE is ever happy or content. Have you ever realized that? The biggest place I notice it with is with the weather. It'll be bright and sunny outside and someone will always complain that it is too hot. So it rains or gets a bit colder and bam... complaints from the same person that it is too cold. Alberta has been going through a massive droubt. So it rains... complaints again... It's starting to really drive me up the wall.
Not to say that I don't complain (I mean, I'm complaining right now about complaining). But I really think that we need to look around us... take in our day... and remember that this is the day that the Lord has made... we will rejoice and be glad in it... I think this is highly important... We need to thank God for EVERY situation. We may not understand why something bad has happened. Why things didn't go our way... or we may be rejoicing something fantastic... either way, we need to praise God for it. Sounds crazy... but believe me, it's true :o)
blessings and love

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