Monday, September 21, 2009


Never in a million years did I ever think that I would be writing an obituary for my dog... yet this is what I sit down right now to do. What do you say in an obituary anyway? I don't read them... I don't write them... and to write one for a dog seems to create even more challenges.
Yet my dear Moms has requested this of me. So I will do it, because she needs me to. Because she wants me to.
It is hard, Lady finally passing. The tears flowed freely today as Mom held the phone up to her ear and I told her through tears that I loved her and that she was wonderful... I know she couldn't hear me, she was fairly deaf towards the end... but I knew it was there...
Lady was wonderful. Sometimes, when I was coming home to visit, Mom would tell Lady and she would start wagging her tail. It's like she got it. We had her for about 7 years, and she was 13 when she passed. What a beautiful girl. What a beautiful life she had. She was the most happy, kind, beautiful, caring (in a way that only a dog can) and loveable creature... she was loved by the community and by our family, so here is my attempt to share with our town, who knew her well, that our dear, sweet girl has passed. But I can see her frolicking... her legs working again, her breathing normal... in Heaven... over hills and through valleys... and I know God gave her a huge hug for us when she bounded her way up to Him to great Him. C.S. Lewis believes that animals go to Heaven. I finally agree.
As I sat down to write, I had a few false starts... and while trying to make my words come together, Mom sent me something beautiful and perfect. I merely added a line or two.
So Lady... here you go hun... from Moms
LADY - She was every bit a Lady, she did not have the greatest start
in life (she was found on the streets of Airdrie as a puppy), but she
had a tremendous finish. She was loved so much, treasured and adored,
the best companion, in turn she gave us unconditional love. Our hearts
are aching, she will be missed tremendously. God bless you, precious
Lady, you were the best.
She was very much a part of this community. Thank you all for being a part of her life.
With all our love, your family, Tom, Ruby, Deena, Jeff and Olivia

Please pray for our family... Mom especially... because she was around her constantly... as we grieve, as we heal. She was a BIG part of our family. So this pain... this pain will take a long time to get over.
Thanks so much
love and blessings

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