Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let the failing begin...

Well, it's already happened, as I assured you it would. My so called resolutions have already headed out the window. Mainly the 'to lose weight/get in shape' and 'get to bed earlier' ones. Yet I think you'll be happy to know that I have some fantastic excuses for my current failure. Ready? Lets start with the later. Actually... it may be easier to start with the first.
Mom and I went to this fantastic restaurant today called the Pasu Sheep Farm. It is quaint country vista, nestled into the foothills of central Alberta. Just a mere fifteen minute drive from the home I grew up in, it is a perfect location for two hungry women to venture and so we did. They have a wonderful little gift shop, with a lot of sweaters and trinkets, the first made of alpaca and sheep wool. Brilliant. The restaurant itself needs a bit of an upgrade. But the old wood, African artwork and home style yet classy food made it incredibly inviting. The owners are from South Africa, hence the aforementioned art. I cannot honestly remember the last time I was there. I'm sure it hasn't been 9 years (like I am leading myself to believe...) The last time I remember being there (though I am positive I have been there since), I was with my best friend from high school. We went out there because, obviously, my flavor of the week was working as a cook. In fact, he actually bought our lunches, which was incredibly sweet of him. I had forgotten about that until I entered the building.
I had also forgotten about the incredible and mouth watering wild mushroom soup. 9 years later and I can still remember the delicious flavors exploding in my mouth. This soup, I exclaimed to my Mom, had to be in my belly. Now. So you can understand my problem. This soup, though extremely delicious, is also made out of heavy cream and butter. Yum. A great and healthy choice if I do say so myself. We both knew that the soup would not fill us up, so we both ordered other things as well. Now, because it is a sheep farm, Pasu has a lot of lamb on the menu. Neither Mom nor I am a huge fan of lamb. I am a bit of a picky eater and do have some food allergies (though I did bring some pills to help me eat wheat, which was smart because....). Well... Mom and I both ordered the chicken pot pie. Believe me. It was worth the extra pound. I am not going to lie. But I did feel a bit guilty. I keep reminding myself that I do not eat like this in Toronto. So why then do I allow myself to eat like this now that I am home? After a shared pot of tea and our gorgeous meal, we snooped and browsed through the gift shop, when Mom and I both took part in the 'buy one get one half off' sale because really, how can you pass that up? (This also ties into my resolve to be better with my money. Thankfully, however, Mom paid. Bless her heart). I'm not going to lie, my Mom bought me the most amazing wool toque EVER. You think yours is better? I beg to differ. (note the attached and very professional picture)
This all ties in to why I am up late. I was feeling a bit of a mushroom and chicken coma by the time we got home and was sprawled out, exhausted for most of the evening on the couch, reading Julie & Julia. Well, around 10:15 I started to feel guilty. So I crawled downstairs to do a yoga video that is supposed to be for beginners, but I must argue that is it not. After practically crying from frustration (ok I honestly flew through it better than I ever have before. But this is not saying much), I limped my sorry butt back to the couch, where I just had to finish the chapter I was reading. Because honestly, it was about killing lobsters and really... I was quite disgusted with the whole thing and wanted to get through it fast. I think if I put the book down knowing that I was going to have to pick it up to read that again... I would never pick it up. C'est la vie. These are my excuses... an amazing restaurant with brilliant soup. And a chapter on killing lobsters. I feel they are valid. Tomorrow is a new day, I will not let today's shameful display affect me too deeply, because I really did have a fantastic time with my Mom. So, I consider today to be a win. (Though it's only the second and you and I both know that I failed miserably). Here's to tomorrow :o)
(how amazing is my wool hat!?)
blessings and love
(it'll also make your life to know that behind my head is a giant poster of Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. Yes. I know. My head was strategically placed)

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