Saturday, January 2, 2010

it's too late to write but...

I figured I would.
Oh New Years. 2010. WEIRD. The time for resolutions... people vowing to change things in their lives for the better, knowing that they will give up or forget about these changes within a matter of weeks. I don't like making resolutions. Though I do it every year. Haha. I just so happen to be one of those people who always fails at them. Go figure. I can't commit! (but really, what other than my belief in Christ and my passion for singing can I commit to?) But this year... as per usual... I am going to try... care to help?
Lets see... what resolutions will I fail at this year? Good question. I guess I will just make them up as I go along... though one I know for sure.
One of my closest friends is getting married June 26th. Though I don't know if I've made the cut to be in the bridal party or not (I would love it, but I'm determined not to be upset if I don't make it in... because really... how pathetic would I be if I was angry about this? It's her wedding! Sheesh! She can do what she wants!)... either way, I am going to this wedding. And I want to look good. Better than I do right now. So of course, my first resolution is the same as most other peoples out there... to lose weight. (this includes working out, ballet, swimming, gym, eating right)
I would also like to do a thorough clean up of my room. I have a bunch of clothes that could and should go to good will. I have a bunch of stuff that should just be thrown out, yet I'm a pack rat and am sentimental so I have a difficult time with this. But in the weeks to come, I will not be working quite as many hours as I usually do, so I figure that this will be the perfect time to tackle this project and to get a good start on the losing weight one as well.
I also would like to eat out less. In Toronto it is very common to eat out a lot. But I find that I spend so much money in one week, simply eating out, it is ridiculous. Plus you never know for sure what is going into the food and with my sensitivities to certain foods, it would be much better for me in the long run if I just cooked a lot more.
what else... I always say this one too, but I would like to keep in better contact with my friends.
I also would like to spend less time on the computer, read more, and go to bed earlier. Now this is pathetic to be writing this down because it is currently 2:22 am and I am on the computer writing this... sheesh Deena sheesh.
You're right. I should just go to bed. I think I am going to do this... but I would love some accountability in these things. (Especially the weight/eating better thing). I'll write about it... keep you updated, but I would love it if you would like to help me out with this.
Alright... bed time... what are your failed resolutions going to look like? :o)
blessings and love

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