Sunday, December 27, 2009

I like to write...

I don't know that I'm great at it. My English skills have definitely decreased since being drilled over and over about how to write by Mr. Persaud in high school. But I do like to write. I find it relaxing and stress free. After a recent trip to see my brilliant natural pathic doctor, I've decided that I need to write more. She told me that my body is doing well (which is the first time in a LONG time that I have heard this news), but that I am dealing with too much stress. I am not one to readily let go of the things that are going on in my life. But I do find that if I am able to find the time to sit down at write about them, 'talk them through' (with myself, if you will), I am a bit less stressed out about them.
A few years ago, I tried to write every day. Just to see what would happen. Of course, I failed at this. Haha. I have a problem with commitment. So I am not going to set a specific goal. But I am going to write more. About life. About my constant struggle to get in shape and feel healthier. About singing and my daily studying. About striving to be a better Christian and over all person. Of course a few boys will pop in every now and then :o) but I will try my best to leave arguments with friends and family out of the picture.
So, today I start.
It has been a lazy day. Waking up late, spending too much time on the computer in the morning, checking the e-mails and playing a few games. I finished the book Bel Canto today, by Ann Patchett. For me, starting this book was like pulling teeth. I read about 8 books at a time, and it was very difficult for me to keep with this one for long. I was board after about 100 pages. Finally, though, I was determined to finish it, and as I kept going on with it, it did get more and more interesting. Though the ending left me feeling nothing but terrible (because it did not have the happy ending I had wished), I find myself wanting to explore more of Mrs. Patchett's novels. I feel that I will one day.
I long to practice. However, I am very loud and when I am at home, there is an unspoken agreement that I do not practice when my Dad is home. Tomorrow... tomorrow he goes back to work. Tomorrow, however, Mom and I are planning on going to the mall. But I need to practice. Maybe I will get up early. It's been a lazy lazy day. My body is sore from doing an hour of intense yoga yesterday, but I am determined to do more today. Instead of yoga, however, I am doing this... haha. Go figure :o) My body feels a bit weird and I have a bit of a headache. Normal things for someone with fibromyalgia, but very annoying things as well.
I should get to it. Doing some yoga. Maybe then some more reading or studying my Italian. Yes, this is what I need to do. Study the Italian.
My pastor said a while back that he thinks it is hilarious how many people blog about their lives. He jokingly said that he has read some of these blogs and honestly... they are not that interesting! It's true. I apologize if you read this and are bored to tears. I am choosing to write about my day to day life and a therapeutic way to de-stress. If I bore you... don't keep reading :o)
Have a fantastic day.

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