Monday, February 21, 2011

how far is too far?

I recently had someone in my life disown me due mainly to distance and a situation that I was not given the chance to clarify. This has left me feeling incredibly disheartened and upset. The person that I called to talk this through with reminded me that this really has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the other person and how they perceive friendship and I have to agree. But wow did it hurt. How can someone put a distance rule on friendship?
Then I looked at my own life. About 6 months ago, I stopped contacting someone whom I thought was a good friend. If they were to contact me again, I would willingly let them back into my life with open arms. I wouldn't shut them out forever. At the time, I was going through one of the darkest valleys of my life. I needed the distance and I think this person did too. But I know that one day we will be ok again. I would never cut this person out of my life forever. I find that incredibly unfair and difficult.
As someone who is striving to live the life of an opera singer, I need to say that I am incredibly grateful for every one of you. Opera is a lonely life when you finally make a career from it and I know that I have some amazing friends, whom I mainly stay in touch with via facebook, that will be with me for life. Thank you for that. Some of you I have only met once or in a foreign country. The fact that you do not let distance or the fact that we've only met once squash our friendship means a lot to me. One of you in particular, I worked with in a musical. We were never very close, and yet you continue to encourage me on a regular basis via facebook, maintaining an interest in my life 5 years after we've met. That means a lot.
I appreciate all of you. I love all of you. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for supporting me through prayers, thoughts and notes. Thank you for thinking that I am worthy of your friendship. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Blessings and love,